Deep Tissue and Trigger Point

You will feel the benefits during and after the treatment

Far apart from conventional spa-like treatments offered in the community, our clinical deep-tissue massage therapy focuses on specific “tight” muscles, trigger-points, ischemia and reduced flexibility. We offer only hands-on soft-tissue therapy where pressure is applied within the clients’ pain tolerance at all times.

The goals of the Deep-Tissue Massage Therapy program are:

  • Prevent a condition from becoming a costly injury
  • Eliminate spasms and hypercontractions in the affected tissues
  • Increase circulation
  • Restore flexibility to the tissues
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Eliminate Pain
  • Eliminate the need for pain and anti-inflammatory medication
  • Maintain a pain-free and more flexible lifestyle

Clients who have experienced the full benefits from these services see Deep-Tissue Massage Therapy as a necessary and effective treatment for the prevention of injuries and maintenance of flexibility, not as a reward such as is seen with “relaxation massage” and spa-related services.

Many have chosen to take responsibility for their own health. With that in mind, it is important to choose the best practitioner and course of recovery for the condition.

For example, a person with back pain has many options. But, will they decide to go to a surgeon first or last

  • Will they attempt to mask the pain with medications
  • Will they try to strengthen already over-exerted muscles
  • Or, will they try a more practical and affordable approach to relieve the pain through soft-tissue therapy? Whether we’re the first resort or the last, our therapy programs and services will get you better, quickly. You’ll be glad you chose MYOCARE in your course of recovery.